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VIRGO Launches New Website for SupplySide Event Coverage

Posted in News, SupplySide

PHOENIX—VIRGO launched a new “What’s Hot" website around its SupplySide West event. “This new site allows SupplySide West participants to connect with the event pre-show, during the show and post-show," said Dean Batson, marketing manager of VIRGO’s Health & Nutrition Network.

The site currently features Q&A’s from select show exhibitors, recommendations for “must-attend" educational sessions, and a live Twitter feed with up-to-the-minute show information.

During the show, which takes place Oct. 10-14, 2011 at The Venetian and Sands Expo in Las Vegas, the site will include highlights from popular education sessions and workshops, coverage of the special Town Hall Event covering New Dietary Ingredients (NDIs), and information about new products featured in the exhibit hall.

SupplySide West attendees can visit the site after the event to view slide shows featuring exhibitors, education sessions and networking events, and for post-show recaps and highlights.

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