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Go Green, Just Don’t Flaunt It


So all the rave in packaging is how to navigate toward greener, more sustainable packaging pastures. But what if sustainability is a double-edged sword? Sure consumers want you lighten your carbon footprint, but when it comes to luxury brand packaging, you may not want to scream it from the rooftops, according to Henry Renella, senior VP of global packaging development, Estee Lauder.

CosmeticsDesign reported this year’s Luxe Pack event in Monaco addressed the issue of sustainability, with a twist. According to Estee Lauder, knowing what your customer and their interests is important; but this can vary from brand to brand. Each market presents its own set of needs, and, as Renella pointed out, some consumers like sustainability claims, while other do not, such as luxury packs.

Luxury pack buyers want you to be green, but they want you to be subtle about it. “It’s an evolution, not a revolution," Renella said, as reported by

So what’s a sustainable packaged luxury brand to do? According to Estee Lauder, use sustainable packaging, but make it look as “normal" as possible.

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