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Personal Care Truth Launches Interactive Forum


SALUDA, S.C.—Personal Care Truth, a group of independent cosmetic business owners who represent the interests of the cosmetics industry, created an interactive forum, providing an outlet for its readers to discuss regulations, legislation and other areas of interest on cosmetics and the personal care products industry. 

Through its forum, Personal Care Truth remains committed to providing a vehicle for the dissemination of accurate, scientific information, while also encouraging an open discussion and dialogue among its readers.

“We are continually looking to improve upon our website and the methods in which we communicate with our valuable readers," said Lisa Rodgers, co-founder of Personal Care Truth. “We have received an overwhelming request from our readers to include a forum on the site and are very excited to provide this outlet for them to ask questions, share concerns and voice opinions."

Kristin Fraser Cotte, co-founder of Personal Care Truth, added, “We believe the Personal Care Truth forum will enable our readers to stay abreast of the industry’s most important issues, while also enabling them to share their own views, which is so important in today’s world where misinformation is so commonly and easily shared," said

The Personal Care Truth web site has received more than 6.7 million hits in 2011 alone, with more than 111,000 unique visitors thus far this year, further demonstrating readers’ desire to learn more about the personal care products industry.

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