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Symrise, Cutech Develop Ex Vivo Skin Model


HOLZMINDEN, Germany and PADOVA, Italy—Symrise and Cutech jointly developed an ex vivo real skin model that provides conclusive information on the efficacy of, for example, anti-aging products, bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo testing. Symrise and Cutech received a European patent for skin model.

The requirements and the economic parameters involved in the development and marketing of new products are continually growing and changing. Thus, it is of pivotal importance to demonstrate the efficacy of new care products and describe their mechanisms of action before starting complex and costly clinical testing. This model allows for conclusive tests of anti-aging, skin whitening, anti-cellulite products and more.

Traditional skin models used for test series only comprise the outer skin layers, epidermis and dermis. The new model also includes subcutaneous tissue as well as hair follicles, thus offering greater efficiency and numerous additional testing possibilities. For example, the new model permits more accurate predictions of long-term effects in humans. The model is patented in Europe and enables high-quality, validated screening of individual raw materials, as well as finished products for skin care. This new model expands the methods available for skin and hair follicle tests that both companies use for product development. Via SCoutech—a screening service offered by Symrise and Cutech for in vitro and ex vivo testing methods—other companies can also utilize the model for their own developments.

“The potential for developing new products, especially from natural sources, is still extremely high," said Paolo Pertile, Cutech’s CEO. :We have always been convinced that a key competitive factor is the development of the most appropriate screening technologies. With this project, by taking advantage of our experience with skin tissue engineering, we have set up a preclinical screening model, which we consider to be the most representative of the in vivo environment. To make full use of this model, we apply the most informative and pragmatic cellular and molecular read-out parameters."

Gabriele Vielhaber, senior vice president of Life Essentials at Symrise, added: “Together with suitable partners, we are constantly looking for new technologies to advance our development work of active ingredients for cosmetic products. Together with Cutech, we have developed a reliable testing procedure for ingredients and formulas. Using this, downstream clinical testing can be targeted more accurately. SCoutech customers receive relevant results quickly and efficiently. This is where our expertise lies – in the development of technologies that set industry standards."

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