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Brazilian Cosmetics Slated for Growth


BRAZIL—RNCOS Industry Research Solutions released its research report “Brazil Retail Industry Analysis", stating the Brazilian retail industry has been experiencing strong growth in sales for the past few years and it’s expected to grow in the coming years. Due to the stable macroeconomic factors and the strengthening middle class base, rising purchasing power is anticipated to fuel the Brazilian retail industry. According tp the report, the cosmetics & personal care industry in Brazil is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 13 percent during 2011 to 2014 to reach BRL 44.6 Billion by 2014 end.

The report has been authored to evaluate the growth potentials of the Brazilian retail industry. It is an outcome of extensive research and conceptual analysis of the industry and provides information on all the prominent segments of the industry. The report facilitates analysis of various industry segments and talks about various aspects of the retail industry, such as industry performance, future prospects, growth opportunities, etc.

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