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Bio-Oil® Reveals Results From Stretch Marks Survey


A new survey from Bio-Oil®, a skincare remedy that treats a multitude of skin concerns, revealed how women feel about stretch marks, scars and the lengths they’ll go for smooth, flawless-looking skin. The survey, conducted by Wakefield Research, surveyed 500 pregnant and non-pregnant women. 

Stretch Marks and Scars

  • Of the women surveyed, ages 18 to 34, 78 percent have stretch marks.
  • 81 percent feel self-conscious about stretch marks.
  • 74 percent of women are picking swimsuits and clothes that cover their stretch marks and nearly one-third (29 percent) would rather have cellulite than stretch marks when hitting the sand.
  • Almost three in five women feel like they just have to live with stretch marks.
  • 69 percent of women with stretch marks are eager to get rid of them, although some stretch marks are more troubling than others.
  • The place women are most worried about the appearance of stretch marks is their stomach (41 percent), followed by thighs (28 percent).
  • One in five (20 percent) have avoided sex with the lights on because of the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
  • 74 percent of women feel self-conscious about their scars and 47 percent of women think they cannot improve the appearance of scars over time.

Real Women Weigh in on Pregnancy Skin Concerns

  • According to the American Pregnancy Association, 5,400,000 Pregnant Women Experience Stretch Marks.
  • 90 percent of pregnant women or women who recently had a baby report having stretch marks.
  • Most women reported noticing stretch marks in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (60 percent), but it’s never too early to start fighting stretch marks.
  • Three in four pregnant women are trying to prevent their stretch marks.
  • Almost two in five (39 percent) women worry about stretch marks after finding out they’re pregnant. The marks of a burgeoning belly are even more anxiety-inducing than breast feeding (21 percent).
  • Nearly two in five (39 percent) women incorrectly thought stretch marks were inevitable and didn’t see a point in trying to get rid of them.
  • 58 percent of recently pregnant women say they would rather have morning sickness than visible stretch marks. 
  • Embarrassment (44 percent), helplessness (34 percent) and dread (22 percent) are all feelings associated with stretch marks after pregnancy.


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