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Organix-South ~ TheraNeem® Nail and Cuticle Oil


BOWLING GREEN, Fla.—Organix-South introduced TheraNeem® Nail and Cuticle Oil. TheraNeem Nail and Cuticle Oil supports healthy, strong nails while soothing and softening cuticles. This antioxidant-rich formula contains key ingredients such as extracts of organic neem leaf and sea buckthorn along with organic neem seed oil, organic cocoa seed butter, organic sesame oil, organic castor seed oil and essential oils of lemon, lavender and rose geranium.

According to Autumn Blum, cosmetic chemist and founder of Organix-South, “Two of the plants in this formula, neem leaf and sea buckthorn, have been extracted via our supercritical CO2; extraction method yielding exceptionally concentrated and pure herbal extracts. We find that offering this kind of concentrated extract is what makes the difference when tackling common fingernail or toenail issues."

TheraNeem Nail and Cuticle Oil is packaged in 0.5-fl. oz. bottle with a pump or in a 0.17-fl. oz. nail applicator pen with a brush. A countertop display is available which holds eight of each product and one nail oil tester.

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