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DSM Nutritional Products ~ Argan Oil

KAISERAUGST, Switzerland—DSM Nutritional Products introduced pure argan oil for skin, hair and nail applications. Argan oil contains antioxidants, carotenoids, unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. It restores the skin’s lipid layer, increases the amount of nutrients and oxygen in skin cells, neutralizes free radicals and protects connective tissues. Due to these benefits, argan oil protects the skin against environmental damage and premature aging. A natural shine enhancer in argan oil makes it ideal for hair-care applications due to its light reflection and ability to provide extra shine without leaving the hair greasy. Its high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and antioxidants help maintain healthy looking hair, and provide extra care for dry, brittle hair. Due to the company’s manufacturing process, deodorization, virgin argan oil is highly stable and its naturally strong odor and color neutralized, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
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