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GlyMed Plus® ~ Cell Science DNA Reset Face and Neck Cream


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah—GlyMed Plus® introduced Cell Science DNA Reset Face and Neck Cream to combat the effects of aging skin brought on by DNA damage. This formula contains a telomerase activation extract, proven to slow or reverse telomere shortening, which causes DNA damage and results in wrinkles and thinning, sagging skin. Cell Science DNA Reset Face and Neck Cream with Epidermal Growth Factors empowers skin cells to act younger by activating telomerase to extend the health and life of cells, increase cell turnover to promote collagen production and protect skin cells from UV radiation and future damage. Similar to infant’s skin, results include visibly smoother, plumper, taut and lifted skin on the face and neck.

Christine Heathman, founder and CEO of GlyMed Plus, said, “GlyMed Plus DNA Reset Face & Neck Cream combines the science of telomerase activation with epidermal growth factors, three stem-cell plant extracts, a micro-lifting resveratrol extract and an ingredient that protects cells against UV radiation and future damage."

GlyMed Plus offers a complete range of professional only products, combining technologically advanced ingredients with certified organic botanicals to produce efficacious results.

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