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Cosmaprof® ~ Apple Stem Cell Skin Care Series

BANGKOK, Thailand—Cosmaprof® offers three apple stem-cell based skin care products, including a cleansing foam, serum and toner. The CL-006 Apple Stem Cell Foam contains Malus domestica (apple stem cell) from Switzerland, a key active ingredient formulated in this deep cleansing foam. It contains anti-aging properties to protect skin from environmental stressors. In addition, it increases skin's immune system and restores damaged skin cells. This non-drying, non-abrasive cleansing foam is ideal for every day use. The SRE-SE Apple Stem Cell Serum combines two different key active ingredients: apple stem cells from Switzerland and epidermal growth factor. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, promoting a young and healthy complexion. Lastly, the TC-002 Apple Stem Cell Toner is also formulated with the Malus domestica ingredient (apple stem cell) from Switzerland. Ideal to prepare the skin, its mild formulation is designed to reduce inflammation and irritation to refresh and balance skin tone.
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