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Beauty Foods ~ Nightly Beauty with BioCell Collagen II®

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.—BioCell introduced its healthy aging ingredient, BioCell Collagen II®, in a beauty-enhancing hot chocolate mix supplement, Nightly Beauty™, from Beauty Foods. BioCell Collagen II undergoes a hydrolysis method that increases the bioavailability of its constituent parts, namely the hyaluronic acid and collagen type II. In addition to BioCell Collagen II, its formula contains vitamins, natural antioxidants and natural sleep-enhancing extracts to promote restorative sleep and healthy, vibrant skin. The ingredients include vitamins A, B, C and E along with biotin and magnesium. To promote relaxation, the formula includes natural AlphaWave L-theanine and AlphaWave's calming blend. The mix features all-natural ingredients like Madagascar vanilla and rich chocolate.
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