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Something to ‘Chew’ On: BioCell Collagen II® in ResVitále Chews


NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.—BioCell Technology LLC and ResVitále  teamed up to create Collagen Enhance Chews, which combines BioCell Collagen II® with organic French red wine antioxidants in a skin revitalizing fruit chew in order to boost skin hydration, firmness and elasticity. It will be exclusively available at GNC.

“We are very excited to have BioCell Collagen II featured in this fantastic formulation," said Suhail Ishaq, president of BioCell Technology. “Not only are we excited to reach a wider consumer base with the inclusion of BioCell Collagen II in this product, but an offering like ResVitále’s Collagen Enhance Chew really showcases BioCell Collagen II’s versatility for the first time in a tasty dietary supplement fruit chew format."

The BioCell Collagen II logo will be prominently displayed on its packaging, as well as various marketing efforts.

“We are thrilled to feature BioCell Collagen II® as the key ingredient in our latest formula" said Naomi Whittel, CEO and founder of ResVitále. “This superior combination of BioCell Collagen II and red wine polyphenols works synergistically to promote age-defying, skin-revitalizing benefits."

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