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Avon Ditching Non-Sustainable Palm Oil


Avon Products Inc. is another company working toward sustainable efforts. It’s worked internally to reduce the environmental impact of its operations, including the issues of energy consumption, water, waste, recycling, greenhouse gas emissions and paper use, along with a commitment to green building design. Externally, Avon created the Hello Green Tomorrow program to empower and mobilize a “green army" to help end deforestation through fundraising and education, following the successful model of the company’s leadership in the causes of breast cancer and domestic violence.

Palm oil production has come under criticism for destroying rain forests and peatland across Southeast Asia, leading to habitat destruction and high carbon emissions. Although more than 80 percent of palm oil is used for food products, it is also one of many natural oils used in personal-care products. While Avon is not a significant user of palm oil, the company has made the commitment to take a leadership position by purchasing GreenPalm certificates— a certificate trading program endorsed by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), which seeks to increase the sustainable production of palm oil—covering 100 percent of its global palm oil use. This will help drive demand for sustainable palm oil, increase the supply for sustainable palm oil, and help maintain biodiversity and habitat for endangered species.

In line with its commitment to raising awareness and driving positive environmental and social change, Avon developed the Palm Oil Promise, which comprises corporate guidelines for purchasing sustainably sourced palm oil.

The Avon Palm Oil Promise ensures:

  • Avon will source sustainable palm oil through the purchase of “book and claim" certificates estimated to be equivalent to 100 percent of the palm oil and palm oil derivatives it uses. 
  • Avon supports the current moratorium on the conversion of primary forests and peatland into palm oil plantations.
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