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PCHi 2011 Hosting 2011 China Personal Care & Cosmetics Innovation Awards


BEIJING—Ringier Trade Media Ltd. and co-organizers Happi China and Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions is holding the 2011 China Personal Care & Cosmetics Innovation Awards at the Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients 2011 (PCHi), and is encouraging all companies to enter. The four categories include: Most Innovative Ingredients, Most Innovative Formulation & Processing Technology, 3.Testing & OEM/ODM Services and Others. Ingredients range from anti-aging agents to UV absorbers/light stabilizers/sunscreens; and technology from anti-contamination to deliver technology.

The panel of judges is composed of experts from China's authoritative associations, e.g. the China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industries (CAFFCI), universities and research institutes. It follows a strict selection process, with all winners selected in a principle of neutrality, authority and fairness.

Winners will be announced at the award ceremony at PCHi 2011, a trade show for ingredients suppliers to engage manufacturers of cosmetics, personal care and homecare goods. These awards provide a great opportunity for companies to gain brand exposure at the trade show.

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