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LUSH ~ Hair Care Products


VANCOUVER, British Columbia—LUSH Cosmetics introduced three hair care gift sets. Each set targets a specific hair care solution with all-natural, nutritious ingredients to boot.

The gift sets include:

  • Volume and Shine: This set includes Marilyn, Big Shampoo, Ultimate Shine Shampoo Bar and Veganese Conditioner. LUSH's Big shampoo uses sea salt to add volume while the company's lightweight Veganese conditions without flattening hair. Switch it up with LUSH's Ultimate Shine shampoo bar and Marilyn hair treatment for extra shine.
  • Protect and Nourish: This set includes Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze, Curly Wurly Shampoo, R&B and Jungle Conditioner. Ideal for dry or frizzy hair, the Curly Wurly shampoo contains coconut and vanilla while Jasmine and Henna Fluff Eaze smoothes with jojoba and Brazil nut oil. R&B revives and balances misbehaving hair and Jungle conditioner keeps hair tame.
  • Balance and Repair: This includes H’Suan Wen Hua, Rehab Shampoo, Jumping Juniper Shampoo Bar and Retread Conditioner. Rehab deeply cleanses while Retread conditioner nourishes hair with yogurt, soy milk and olive oil. The H’Suan Wen Hua hair treatment is an extra step to moisturize hair with avocado and eggs.
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