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Deodorant Growth Slated for Asia-Pacific


Recent U.S. and European deodorant sales have been declining the last couple of years, which is shifting the “burden of growth" onto the Asian-Pacific market, according to an article in

Despite the slope in U.S. and European markets, emerging markets such as Asia-Pacific are expected to head up the expected perpetual growth with a compound annual rate (CAR) of 4.6 percent until 2015, per Global Industry Analysts (GIA). Next up is the Latin America market, with a focus on Brazil. Inside the deodorant sector, gender-specific products, especially the men’s deodorant category, are slated for market gains, too. GIA expects the global deodorant market to hit an estimated $12.6 billion by 2015.

Remember the 80s AquaNet aerosol? Well aerosol sprays, as well as non-aerosol sprays and squeeze-bottle sprays are also slated for growth. In fact, they’re supposed to make up, worldwide, the largest and fastest growing products in the deodorant market. Not following far behind are technological drivers with new technical formulations and delivery systems.

Good news is naturals are still increasing, and new product launches are set to hit the shelves with the inclusion of ingredients such as botanicals and herbs.

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