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Coughlan Products ~ Non-Aqueous Personal Care Formulations


WAYNE, N.J.—Coughlan Products LLC, a custom formulator and manufacturer of skin care, bath and other personal care products, specializes in non-aqueous products, most of which do not require the use of preservatives, but enhance the delivery of benefits and the value of the brands that market them. This can take the form of powders, oils, free-oil and buttery scrubs, balms, solid perfumes, effervescents and salts. 

Some examples of recent innovations include a soft-powder facial cleanser formulated for dry, oily or sensitive skin that is easy to dispense and foams quickly with just a few drops of water; treatments for chronically dry skin in areas like elbows, knees and heels delivered in cosmetically elegant formulations of vegetable oils and natural butters; and a spray-on, after-shower moisturizer that instantly transforms into a luxurious lotion or oil treatment. Growing interest in eco-friendly, natural products, for both health considerations of the skin and the safety of the planet, are an ideal match to Coughlan’s core competencies due to a focus on distinctive product forms, specialized expertise and unique manufacturing capabilities.

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