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Wanna Learn About Surfactants, Emulsifiers?


MILAN, Italy—Judi Beerling, an expert in formulation, will be hosting a workshop at in-cosmetics Milan on March 31 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.—Formulation Workshop on Emulsifiers & Surfactants: The Natural Options—educating formulators and manufacturers on natural alternatives to PEGs and SLS/SLES, as well a definition of natural in regards to surfactants and emulsifiers, as reported by She’ll also discuss the burgeoning natural and organic market and how it’s affecting cosmetics and the spurring the need to reformulate. Challenges, chemical processes and Botaneco’s olesome technology will also be discussed.

If you’re looking for new natural and organic ways to add texture, skin feel and achieve the right viscosity, it sounds like this workshop may be a great stepping stone and educational tool for you.

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