Sun Chlorella USA ~ Paraben-Free Skin Cream

5 days ago Comments

TORRANCE, Calif.—Sun Chlorella USA, a developer and manufacturer of chlorella green food products, created paraben-free Sun Chlorella Cream®, a topical cream that contains concentrated chlorella extract as its principal ingredient. Traditionally consumed for its nutritional content, chlorella is a fresh-water algae that's widely popular in Japan, a country known for its long life expectancy and overall good health. Chlorella's skin-enhancing nutrients include age-fighting antioxidants, the highest amount of detoxifying chlorophyll of any known substance and Chlorella Growth Factor, a complex rich in nucleic acids critical for cellular growth, renewal and repair. Sun Chlorella Cream is also formulated with a purified water base, several botanical extracts and is paraben- and propylene glycol-free. In a recent consumer trial, daily use of Sun Chlorella Cream showed visibly smoother and firmer skin after 60 days, according to the company.




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