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  • Vitamin A and Melanoma Risk


    Researchers found retinol supplementation may have a preventative role in melanoma among women. …More

    March 8, 2012

    Posted in News

  • Coffee May Reduce Skin Cancer Risk


    A prospective study presented at the 10th American Association for Cancer Risk (AACR) International Conference found an inverse association between BCC risk and consumption of coffee may be related to caffeine. …More

    October 27, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Resveratrol Suppresses UV-Induced Tumor

    resveratrol_UV protection

    Resveratrol, known as an anti-cancer agent, suppressed UV-induced malignant tumor progression in mice and resveratrol-inhibited invasiveness of human A431 SCC cells appears to occur, in part, through the Akt-mediated downregulation of TGF-beta2. …More

    October 11, 2011

    Posted in News

  • UVA May be More Carcinogenic Than Previously Thought

    English researchers found UVA rays may be more carcinogenic than previously thought. …More

    October 7, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Estée Lauder Launches Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

    The Estée Lauder Companies’ Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Campaign is launching its global outreach campaign for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which will support its Campaign’s concept “Together.Connect.Communicate.Conquer.For A Future Free Of Breast Cancer.” …More

    September 27, 2011

    Posted in News

  • American Cancer Society, Personal Care Products Foundation Raise $2M

    The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the Personal Care Products Council Foundation (PCPCF) raised more than $2 million at the 27th annual DreamBall to benefit Look Good…Feel Better®, a program dedicated to improving the self-esteem and quality of life of people undergoing …More

    September 27, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Wild Carrot Oil: Antitumor Activity Against Skin Cancer

    Wild Carrot oil (Daucus carota L. ssp. carota oil extract [DCOE]) has remarkable antitumor activity against DMBA-induced skin cancer compared with non-treated animals, according to the findings of new Lebanese study. …More

    September 21, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Study: BPA, Parabens Linked to Breast Cancer

    Breast Cancer_parabens_BPAs

    Researchers at the California Pacific Medical Center said their observations warranted the need to reinforce the concern bisphenol-A (BPA) and methylparaben (MP), at low concentrations detected in humans, can have adverse health consequences, suggesting an increased risk of …More

    September 16, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Asparagus as Antimicrobial Agent in Oral Cancer Infections

    asparagus_oral cancer_antimicrobial

    According to Indian researchers, treated oral cancer patients are neutropenic and prone to secondary infection of microbes, and medicinal plants such as asparagus may serve as effective antimicrobial agents to check the secondary infections in treated oral cancer patients. …More

    August 10, 2011

    Posted in News

  • Are Your Lips (Properly) Sealed? Creating Effective SPF Lip Gear


    Most consumers want to protect their lips, since overexposure to the sun can put lips at risk for skin cancer and because sun-burned lips can be especially painful. For this, an SPF lip balm with an acceptable flavor is needed. …More

    August 4, 2011

    Posted in Articles

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