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Lipo Chemicals Senior VP Retires in July

Posted in Blog, Industry News

Lipo Chemicals’ senior vice president, Stephen Greenberg, Ph.D., announced his retirement after 33 years with the company.

Dr. Greenberg’s long and distinguished career in the pharmaceutical and personal care industries began after obtaining his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Virginia in 1963. Before joining Lipo, Steve had 15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and personal care industries.

"I am very grateful to Steve for all he has done for Lipo over the years," said Chris Humberstone, executive vice president. “Steve has reached a point in his life where spending an increased amount of quality time with his wife and family has become a main priority. He has been a good friend and business associate and I would like to personally thank him for all of his efforts and significant contributions that have been instrumental in Lipo’s success over the years. Among other things, Steve played a crucial role in taking the company international and the successful launch of many products since Lipo’s formation. We will miss him, but understand his desire to make this tough choice to step away and enjoy his time with his family and friends."

Greenberg established Lipo as an international company, responsible for opening overseas offices and developing a network of distributors. In addition to his role at Lipo, he also served as president of the IFSCC.
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