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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the managing editor for inside cosmeceuticals and production editor for Natural Products INSIDER. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Oil Based Ingredients for Personal Care

Posted in Blog

The personal care sector is a multifaceted, multilayered industry with numerous approaches, such as toners, moisturizers, body washes, shampoos. The list goes on and on. Once a product goal is decided, how to formulate that product is the next step, and quite possibly, the biggest step. Whether your passion is plant-based extracts or essential oils for fragrances, the array of available ingredients is endless. However, some ingredients can “kill two birds with one stone.” AAK just release an e-book on lipids, vegetable oils, to be exact, and the diversity the organic compounds can present to a formulator. For a cosmetic formulator, vegetable oils can offer tocopherols, phytosterols and triterpene alcohols. Check out AAK’s e-book on our Web site.


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