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Fruit, Veggie Concentrate Increases Skin Hydration, Thickness, Microcirculation


DÜSSELDORF, Germany—German researchers at Heinrich Heine University found 12 weeks of ingesting a fruit- and vegetable-based concentrate increased skin microcirculation and positively affected skin hydration, density and thickness (Skin Pharmacol Physiol. 2011 Aug 5;25). Microcirculation in the dermis of the skin is important for nutrient delivery to this tissue. In this study, the effects of a micronutrient concentrate (as Juice Plus+®), composed primarily of fruit and vegetable juice powder, on skin microcirculation and structure were compared to placebo. The 12-week study had a monocentric, double blind, placebo and randomized controlled design with two treatment groups consisting of 26 healthy middle-aged women each. The 'oxygen to see' device was used to evaluate microcirculation. Skin density and thickness were measured using ultrasound. Measurements for skin hydration (Corneometer®), transepidermal water loss and serum analysis for carotenoids and alpha-tocopherol were also performed.

By 12 weeks, microcirculation of the superficial plexus increased by 39 percent. Furthermore, skin hydration increased by 9 percent, while skin thickness increased by 6 percent and skin density by 16 percent in the active group. In the placebo group, microcirculation decreased and a slight increase in skin density was observed.

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