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Telomere Dysfunction, Aging Linked


COLLEGE PARK, Md.—Progerin is a mutation of lamin A gene, a cellular protein. It helps to maintain cellular structure, specifically the nucleus and has been linked to normal aging. According to recent studies, progerin is also produced at low levels in normal human cells and tissues. However, the cause-and-effect relationship between normal aging and progerin production in normal individuals has not yet been determined. In a recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, researchers showed in normal human fibroblasts that progressive telomere damage during cellular senescence plays a causative role in activating progerin production (June 13, 2011). Progressive telomere damage was also found to lead to extensive changes in alternative splicing in multiple other genes. Interestingly, elevated progerin production was not seen during cellular senescence that does not entail telomere shortening. Taken together, their results suggest a synergistic relationship between telomere dysfunction and progerin production during the induction of cell senescence, providing mechanistic insight into how progerin may participate in the normal aging process.

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