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Natural Beauty Summit America 2011


NEW YORK—The Natural Beauty Summit America is one in a series of international summits that bring the value chain of participants together to delve into and debate the major challenges confronting this industry today.

Two well-known beauty experts in both the European & U.S. market—Marie Alice Dibon and Sandie Jaidane—co-created the 7th edition of this international summit. The Natural Beauty Summit America brings together the international leading market researchers (Kline, Data Monitor, Informed Intuitions), Beauty & Media experts studied the market evolutions, the new consumers and their expectations.

Dibon said: “Natural products consumers have put significant pressure that has led most players to rethink their strategies. The increasing utilization of social media—like consumer information websites—leads brands to consider these new players in the consumer empowerment. Several natural beauty brands have experience significant growth in the past few years, and most traditional beauty brands develop natural or organic lines based on their R&D ability: they clean their formulas and look for alternative natural ingredients."

Discussions will cover:

  • The latest issues in beauty regulations
  • Current and Future Natural Technologies
  • Natural brands and Retailers’ Partnerships
  • Living with and Optimizing Social Media
  • Consumer Insights
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