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NPA Talking Natural Seal at Sustainable Cosmetics Summit


WASHINGTON—Dr. Cara Welch of the Natural Products Association (NPA) will talk about the NPA Natural Seal during the panel session “Green Ingredients and Standards" at the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit Friday, May 13, at 2 p.m. Dr. Welch oversees NPA’s quality assurance programs, including the NPA Natural Seal. She will highlight major developments in NPA’s certification of natural products and ingredients.

In 2008, NPA launched the Natural Standard for Personal Care Products, certifying both ingredients and products that meet NPA’s standard of natural. Last year, NPA launched the Natural Standard for Home Care Products. NPA plans to launch a similar standard for certifying foods later this year. These standards support the NPA Natural Seal.

 Among other requirements, NPA certified products use natural ingredients, avoid ingredients with health risks, don’t use animal testing, and include a majority of biodegradable or recycled material in the packaging. In addition, products with the NPA Natural Seal must list all ingredients on the package label.

Welch is vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for NPA. She advises NPA members on regulatory, safety, nutrition and health issues. Additionally, Welch is responsible for assisting natural product industry members to implement policies in response to government initiatives in the regulatory arena, and working with officials in FDA and other agencies whose actions have a direct impact on the natural products industry.

 Session Details: Friday, May 13, 2011, at 2 p.m. at the Marriott Downtown, 85 West Street at Albany Street, New York.  

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