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Supersmile ~ Whitening Toothpaste Flavors


Supersmile ~ Whitening Toothpaste Flavors

NEW YORK—Supersmile launched three flavors to its existing line of Professional Whitening Toothpastes: Cinnamon, Green Apple and Mandarin Mint. Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste is clinically proven to remove stains on both artificial and natural tooth surfaces, including bondings, veneers, caps, crowns, dentures and braces, and also enhances professionally bleached teeth. Each flavor is formulated with CALPROX®—a proprietary form of calcium peroxide that gently dissolves the protein pellicle on teeth to which stains, plaque and bacteria attach. Without this clear, sticky substance to latch onto, stains are brushed away, leaving teeth noticeably smoother and whiter. Because it doesn’t penetrate the tooth surface, it won’t cause sensitivity, and without harsh abrasives, it won’t compromise tooth enamel. 

The flavored toothpastes are the first products from the line to introduce new, sleek packaging of the entire Supersmile collection. Clean, crisp and vibrant, this new look is sure to be an eye-catcher for consumers. Each flavor is available in a 4.2-oz. tube.

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