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Personal Care Truth Teams Up with Colin Sanders


SALUDA, S.C.—Personal Care Truth partnered with a well-respected scientist from the cosmetic industry, Colin Sanders, to contribute research, product development and education. From the United Kingdom, Sanders has been a formulator of cosmetic and topical pharmaceuticals for 27 years. During that time, he has formulated nearly every category of product including shampoos, cosmetic skin creams, pharmaceutical skin creams, face masks, lip balms, etc.  He has been an active member of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists since 1985 and in 1999, organized the first of the Formulate shows. He has a degree is in environmental science and continues to take an interest in the impact of human activities on the planet. When not in the lab, he writes a blog, Colin’s Beauty Pages, with the intention of entertaining and hopefully informing users of cosmetic and personal care products with some insider insights, a bit of science and his own opinions.

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