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Jan Marini ~ Age Intervention Duality


SAN JOSE, Calif.—Jan Marini Skin Research released its Age Intervention Duality product line during the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) meeting in New Orleans. Age Intervention Duality™ and Duality MD™ are new products for anti-aging and acne, designed using a unique dual-chamber dispensing solution to combine targeted anti-aging peptides and antioxidants with retinol and Benzoyl Peroxide in efficacious and stable concentrations. The Duality products deliver both acne control and anti-aging benefits for every age and skin type.

Jaggi Rao, M.D., a board certified dermatologist and associate clinical professor of medicine at the University of Alberta, said: "In my research with Duality MD and the JMSR Skin Care Management System, I've found the results comparable to pregascription topical solutions for improvement in inflammation as well as comedone numbers, and without any of the common side effects. Skin drying and irritation is a common problem with acne solutions, particularly during our cold and dry winters in Canada. Amazingly, we've received patient feedback noting not only improvement in their acne but also improved skin hydration."

Jan Marini, president and CEO, added, "These great new products reflect our commitment to innovating advanced solutions to solve the unmet needs of the market. Our unique solution sets a new standard in anti-aging and acne care. Age Intervention Duality and Duality MD also work synergistically with our award winning Skin Care Management System for unequaled results and satisfaction."

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