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IMG’s Jeff Hilton Talks Green Marketing at HBA Global

September 1, 2010 Comments

SALT LAKE CITY and NEW YORK—Integrated Marketing Group (IMG) announced its co-founder Jeff Hilton has been invited to be part of an expert panel discussing green marketing strategy at this year’s HBA Global Expo, a conference for the personal care, fragrance, wellness and cosmetic industries. Hilton will speak on the importance of connecting with eco-conscious consumers through social media as part of the education session, "Marketing Green: Creating a Successful Brand in the Naturals Market," on Wednesday, Sept. 29 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York.

Hilton will discuss consumers' perceptions of and expectations for "green" companies, as well as the promotional tools and social media channels that are most effective in communicating a brand’s green message to current and potential customers. He will also introduce specific social media strategies that can best bolster a green brand image. Wendy Lucas, vice president of sales and marketing for Desert Essence; Julia Beardwood, founder of Beardwood & Co.; and Sarah Williams, creative director of Beardwood & Co. are also scheduled to present in the panel discussion.

"As the 'go green' marketing philosophy spreads into the health and beauty space, so does the opportunity to share your brand's 'feel good' messaging through social media," said Hilton. "Social networking focuses on image, culture and community, making it especially suited to the health and beauty consumer."

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