Beiersdorf Develops Stress-Induced Sweat Protector

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Strong perspiration and unpleasant body odor are among the effects of puberty that greatly trouble some teenagers. In situations of emotional stress, sweat production and body odor are multiplied many times over. Scientists at the Beiersdorf research center developed a protection that effectively counters this problem of adolescence. As reported in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science (July 14, 2010), a new antiperspirant product reduced stress-induced secretion of sweat by almost half. An antibacterial ingredient and special scent also work to ensure underarm odor in stress situations remains just as limited as in a relaxed mood.

High stress levels

In the Beiersdorf study, stressed teens produced 24 times more sweat on average. Girls' sweat levels under stress rose more than 40 times compared with the amount of sweat produced in a relaxed state. Underarm odor intensity also increased in a very short time (15 minutes). Here it was the boys—likely due to their higher testosterone levels—who experienced significantly stronger odor development than the girls.

"Given these circumstances, developing effective, fast-acting and long-lasting protection was a real challenge," said Heiner Max, director of the Beiersdorf body care research division. The researchers' success is based in part on ingredients that activate immediately upon coming into contact with sweat.

Aluminum chlorohydrate used in the product dissolves particularly well when it comes into contact with perspiration, acting to reduce sweat by narrowing the openings of the sweat glands to the skin. The deodorant also contains an exceptionally gentle antibacterial agent patented by Beiersdorf that prevents sweat odor from developing.

"That we are able to reduce stress-induced sweat production by 50 percent, given the effectiveness of conventional antiperspirants, is an outstanding result," added Max.

Recognized stress test

For the first time, the Beiersdorf study used a standardized, internationally recognized stress test to study emotional sweating. "In the Trier Social Stress Test, 16- to 18-year-old test subjects allowed themselves to be subjected to stress as if it were a real stress situation, such as an oral exam," explained Annette Martin, senior research scientist in the body care research division. In this situation, the teens without antiperspirant sweated as much in 15 minutes as if they had participated in an intensive sport activity for 30 minutes.

This result allowed researchers to demonstrate emotional perspiration is generated significantly faster than sweat that is produced to regulate body temperature. Sweat glands are activated much more quickly by emotional triggers than by a temperature stimulus. The new antiperspirant that meets these challenges arrived on the market in several countries at the start of 2010. It offers male teens reliable protection under the name Nivea Menergy. For girls, Nivea Angel Star gives noticeable relief in stressful situations.


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