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Episciences ~ MelanoLyte Tx, MelanoLyte Pro

July 26, 2010 Comments

BOISE, Idaho—Episciences Inc. launch of a new skin care line for addressing the visible signs of hyperpigmentation—the MelanoLyte Tx and MelanoLyte Pro products. Based upon the premise of addressing the complex process that is seen in the skin as hyperpigmentation, an entirely new technology was needed. The new take-home and professional-only products are synergistically formulated with a blend of active botanical ingredients at therapeutic concentrations to provide therapeutic benefit without the usual irritation and redness associated with current hyperpigmentation products. Traditional lightening ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic acid or arbutin were not included in the products.

A human clinical trial conducted by Stephens and Associates documented a statistically significant equality of the Epionce® MelanoLyte products to the Obagi Nu Derm System. The study lasted 12 weeks with a six-week regression period. The patients using Epionce did not have the irritation, redness and erythema associated with the patients using the Obagi system. However, their results were equal. Additionally, unlike most hyperpigmentation products currently on the market, the Epionce MelanoLyte products helped prevent a rebound after discontinuing use.

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