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Alissa Marrapodi

Alissa Marrapodi is the associate editor for inside cosmeceuticals and production editor for Natural Products INSIDER. She has a passion for all things natural, including food, cosmetics and supplements. She graduated from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Arizona State University with a bachelor’s in journalism. She loves hiking, photography, red wine and traveling.

Is Your Fate Dependent on Your Makeup?

April 6, 2010 Comments
Posted in Blog

Beauty is subjective, yes; but a level (most likely a high level) of attractiveness is required in order for “subjective beauty” to be seen. Being physically attracted to your mate is not usually a negotiable factor, which raises a few questions: How do I stay “physically attractive”? And deeper than beauty, how large of a role does physical attractiveness play in my life? Apparently, research and industry bigwigs are suggesting makeup has the power to change your life by not only enhancing your looks, but “enhancing” your life opportunities.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology reported cosmetics may help your earning potential and may even increase your chance at a promotion. Fretting over fine lines and crows feet is proving to be a waste of time. Researchers are saying facial geometry holds more weight than wrinkles, most notably the nose, which can be modified with the help of a contour brush. Illuminating skin, bright eyes and even skin tone can all be greater factors to attractiveness than masking your age via an $85-anti-aging cream because mascara, eye shadow, concealer and eyeliner can glamorize important features such as the eyes. And plumping and glossing lips may give off a “fertile signal”, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science.  



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