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Hair Care Products Soaring in Department Stores

July 7, 2010 Comments

PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y.—The NPD Group, a global provider of consumer and retail market research information, reported conditioning and styling hair products are experiencing double-digit growth in U.S. department stores, most notably styling and mousse products, and hair conditioners.    

Karen Grant, vice president and global industry analyst, The NPD Group, said: “The growth in styling and mousse products, as well as conditioners, is the latest evolution in what appears to be a growing trend in hair care products sold in the department store channel.”  

In dollar sales, the total hair category increased 5percent from January through May 2010, compared to the same time last year. The boost in the hair category is mostly due to the double-digit growth in the styling/mousse and conditioner sub-segments. Styling/Mousse hair products grew 34 percent in dollars, while conditioner hair products grew 12 percent in the first five months of the year. The increases in dollar sales have been consistently growing each month of this year so far. U.S. hair products sold in U.S. department stores consist of less than five percent of the total prestige beauty industry, according to the NPD Group.



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