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Aubrey Organics, Inc® ~ New Shaving Cream, Shampoo and Conditioner Scents


TAMPA, Fla.—Aubrey Organics, Inc® released two new scents of shaving cream, as well as shampoo and conditioner. The latest additions to the Crème de la Shave scents include White Tea & Citrus and Pomegranate. In addition, the company released Lavender Ylang Ylang and Rosemary Peppermint to their existing line of shampoo and conditioner.

Crème de la Shave is made especially for women to pamper and protect while shaving, leaving a smooth shave and soft legs. This moisturizing formula conditions and protects skin with emollients and fruit extracts. The two new scents are filled with antioxidants to protect and tone while shaving.

Aubrey Organics’ GPB Glycogen Protein Balancing Shampoo and Conditioner are made with 78-percent organic ingredients. This protein-rich formula enhances shine with fruit extracts and herbal moisturizers.

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