LUSH ~ Lip, Hair, Foot, Face Products

2 weeks ago Comments

POOLE, Dorset—LUSH introduced a few nature-inspired summer products, including:

Glorious Mud: Rub this mud mask of Rhassoul mud all over the body to cleanse and draw out impurities. Aloe vera calms the skin and creates a natural barrier against harmful environmental elements.

Grass Shower Gel: This shower gel is chock full of enzyme-rich chlorophyll, balancing sandalwood oil and uplifting bergamot.

Ultrabalm: An eco-friendly balm made of jojoba oil, rose and candelilla waxes making for dry lips, cut cuticles, rough skin and sunburns.

Stepping Stone: Salt and Pumice scrub away rigors of the day while cocoa butter soothes cracks and chafes.

R & B: Hair treatment with oat milk, olive and coconut oil to revive and balance dull strands.



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