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Men Seeking Premium Beauty Brands For Healthy Skin


by Paula Simpson, B.A.Sc., RNCP, and Shirley Madhere, M.D., NYC Holistic Surgeon

Beauty giants such as Loreal, P&G and Shiseido have launched topical skincare and hair lines targeting the fastest growing demographic in beauty—men! According to Euromonitor, the male grooming market has been increasing at double-digit growth rates over the last decade in the United States.  Men are now catching up with women and seeking products more specifically to support the health and appearance of their skin, hair and overall vitality. As men’s sophistication and knowledge in aesthetics grows, this is a sector that can no longer be ignored by the beauty industry.

Although the general physiology of skin is the same, there are key differences in skin properties between a man and a woman. Each person’s skin has its own properties that are determined by a number of factors such as heredity, diet and lifestyle; however, a man’s skin does show differences when compared to women’s skin. Some of these differences include oilier skin being due to testosterone stimulating oil secretions (even though they have smaller sebaceous glands); a thicker epidermal layer; and generally more sensitive skin over women, mainly due to daily shaving that destroys the hydrolipidic film, leading to loss of natural lubrication and overall protection. It is a combination of these factors that stimulates a condition more common in men than women and has a strong negative visual and social impact: acne vulgaris. Acne vulgaris is defined as a condition caused by chronic sebaceous gland inflammation characterized by comedones, papules and pustules of sebaceous areas—face, chest, back—and resolving with scarring reaction. Although not life threatening, the psycho-social consequences of those suffering with acne may be debilitating, thus patients are highly motivated to best manage and treat their condition. As mentioned, unfortunately, men tend to suffer more from this condition over women and are therefore highly motivated to seek out products that effectively treat, minimize and manage this inflammatory skin condition. An emerging category of products and one offering notable results is ingestible natural health products known as nutricosmetics.

Working internally, nutricosmetics offer critical nutrients to support healthy skin cell turnover, minimize inflammation/irritation and help to protect the skin from environmental stressors that may accelerate skin aging or aggravate the cellular homeostasis of skin. In the case of acne, there is a growing body of recent studies showing the link between nutritional deficiencies and acne. Although critical nutrients may be obtained from diet, this type of condition is better managed with diet, supplementation and topical interventions under the guidance of a professional skin health expert. One nutricosmetic company working within the medical aesthetic industry is GliSODin Skin Nutrients. In the management of acne vulgaris, GliSODin Skin Nutrients developed an internal supplemental program that works along with professional topical interventions. 

As acne is a chronic condition that must include lifestyle factors to best manage the condition, improvements can be seen in as little as three weeks (but will become more visible ongoing.) Therefore, for optimal results, it is best to implement a standardized maintenance plan ,both topically and internally.



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