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Biologique Recherche ~ Serum Biosensible


NEW YORK—Biologique Recherche launched a treatment serum for reactive and sensitive skin called Serum Biosensible. Serum Biosensible is formulated without artificial fragrances and made from cellular kiwi water to moisturize red or reactive skin. It consists of a concentrate of soothing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and protective ingredients designed to restore an impaired epidermal tolerance threshold. Firmly based on the concept of protecting the epidermal system, this product’s formula helps reduce the signs associated with cutaneous sensitivity.

Serum Biosensible is enriched with moisturizing active ingredients, softening agents and soothing extracts that strengthen the skin and help reduce its sensitivity. After use, the product immediately improves the different dermo-epidermal mechanisms that are part of inflammatory reaction. It can be used for everyday care, as a part of a soothing and moisturizing regimen for weakened skin types, from both internal causes and external stress such as UV irritants, medical surgery or medical beauty procedures. The serum comes in a take-anywhere self-dispenser bottle that can be used anytime of day.

Active Ingredients:

  • Soothing: Rhamnose-rich polysaccharides, kudzu extract, lipopeptides and witch hazel extract.
  • Moisturizing: Kiwi water, hyaluronic acid and sugar derivatives.
  • Protecting: Mimosa extract, cranberry extract, curcuma extract, Canadian hemlock and white tea extracts.
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