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  • PETA Helps China Approve Animal-Free Cosmetic Test

    With some help and guidance from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)-funded scientists, China is moving one step closer to introducing its first non-animal testing method for cosmetics ingredients. …More

    May 22, 2012

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  • In-cosmetics Asia Hosts Cosmetic Roadshow

    In-cosmetics Asia and the Philippine Society for Cosmetic Science hosted a roadshow earlier this month to allow companies in the Philippines to learn more about opportunities in the international cosmetic market.. …More

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  • Chinese Prestige Beauty Growing Nicely

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    The NPD Group reported total prestige beauty in the top 10 cities in the mainland of China increased more than 20 percent in 2011 compared to 2010, with skin care growing 23 percent makeup 17 percent. …More

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  • Provocative Marketing by Maybelline

    As a quick follow up to my blog post about using social media to localize your marketing efforts and, Maybelline is another great example of these practices. …More

    April 23, 2012

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  • Largest Internet Beauty Market Worldwide: China

    Online Chinese beauty sales are trending, with a growth rate of nearly 200 percent since 2006 and are estimated to be worth nearly $8 billion at the retail sales level in 2011, making it the largest Internet beauty market in the world, according to the new report from Kline …More

    April 23, 2012

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  • Packaging: Active, Smart, Sustainable in the BRIC

    You heard it here first: Packaging matters. Proof? First, check out our Top 10 Trends report. Second, check out a new market research report—The Future of the Active, Smart and Sustainable Packaging Industry in the BRIC Countries—by …More

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  • PCHi 2012 Sets New Records

    PCHi 2012 closed on a high and happy note, with a total of 278 exhibitors, 5,527 visitors and 1,260 conference delegates and an almost sold out show floor. …More

    March 22, 2012

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  • SPAFCA Talking Personal Care, Sustainability This Summer

    Asia is quickly becoming a sweet spot for personal care. This summer, if you’re in the mood for a little international travel, the Sustainable Personal And Fabric Care Asia (SPAFCA) conference, held in Shanghai June 21 to 22, will focus on market trends, supply and demand …More

    March 19, 2012

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  • Quality an Issue with Chinese Beauty

    The Chinese beauty market is difficult to navigate because beauty buyer behavior is still relatively unknown. That’s why Diagonal Reports has been researching the Chinese consumer—in order to understand the opportunities for the beauty industry. …More

    March 16, 2012

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  • India: Next Hub for Cosmeceutical Trials

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    While the U.S. demand for cosmeceuticals is projected to rise by 7.4 percent per year to $8.2 billion in 2012, many cosmeceutical products lack credible evidence, and thus, the industry is challenged to provide convincing evidence of the effectiveness of their products. …More

    March 14, 2012

    Posted in Articles

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