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J.R. Watkins Naturals Expanding into Asian Market

January 3, 2011 Comments

WINONA, Minn.—J.R. Watkins Naturals is expanding its presence in the Asian market by selling its personal care and home care products through retail chains in Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan.  "There is a growing demand for heritage brands and natural products in Asia, particularly in Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan," said J.R. Rigley, J.R. Watkins Naturals sales and marketing vice president. “We are proud to bring more than 140 years of natural tradition to consumers in these countries."

J.R. Watkins Naturals has sold home care products in South Korean department stores and specialty shops since March 2009. Its success there and the identification of a distributor with the experience to help further develop the brand facilitated its expansion in Asia. Support will include product placement, pricing and marketing initiatives.

“After studying the market for several years and carefully considering this expansion, J.R. Watkins Naturals is confident we have selected the right partner to ensure continued success for the brand abroad," said Rigley.

J.R. Watkins Naturals continues to focus on global growth initiatives and is well-positioned among key competitors in the natural personal care product marketplace. The company also is considering expansion to China, and possibly Australia. Currently in the U.S., J.R. Watkins Naturals products are available through multiple distribution channels, including some of the nation’s largest retailers such as Target, Walgreens, Whole Foods, Walmart and QVC.

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