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Symrise Perfumery School Opens in India

3 weeks ago Comments

HOLZMINDEN, Germany and CHENNAI, India—In November 2010, the first training of junior perfumers began at the new perfumery school at Symrise’s site in Chennai. Achim Daub, global president Scent & Care, opened the new school in a small festive ceremony.

It takes the young creatives two years to learn enough about the world of fragrances to be allowed to call themselves junior perfumer or junior evaluator. Until they reach that point, they have to immerse themselves in the field of organic chemistry and be familiar with the many hundreds of raw materials the company works with. The modules of the training program include intensive fragrance studies, developing archetypical structures in perfumes and acquiring market and product knowledge.

In addition to theory and practice, phases of training at other competence centers in Asia complement the schedule. The young perfumers will study a wide variety of applications, ranging from fine fragrances to body-care products to household products. They will further their knowledge above and beyond the projects they do every day. The young talents learn their trade from the ground up and they will be given the time to pursue their creative education.

“Thanks to our new Perfumery School in Chennai, we are creating an in-house pool of excellently trained perfumers and evaluators for the growth market Asia. This is not only the next logical step in expanding our internationally esteemed ‘Perfumers’ Academy’ program, but we are also strengthening one of the most important dynamic markets on the Asian continent," said Daub.

Venkat Iyer, vice president of Scent & Care, India, added: “Inspiration is a crucial part of training perfumers, and India and Chennai provide the necessary framework conditions. You can encounter all sorts of scents and spices in many regions of India. India is fascinating and inspiring at the same time."

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