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Peptides Help Reduce Menopausal Wrinkles, Improve Skin Texture


According to the results of a clinical study of 32 women published in the Journal of Drug in Dermatology, forehead wrinkles and skin texture were improved with the application of a peptide fragment (2010;9(1):49).  Due to a reduction in estrogen levels peri- and post-menopausal skin exhibit a specific phenotype characterized by reduced thickness, reduced elasticity and increased dryness. Loss of these elements results in increased skin wrinkling and skin sagging. In addition, it is well documented that reduced estrogen levels also negatively impacts dermal wound healing. As a result, researchers tested the hypothesis that molecules capable of stimulating and accelerating wound healing can supplement the skin’s diminished activities produced by reduced estrogen. Heptapeptide-7, a fragment of a well-characterized wound healing peptide (HB-107), was found to stimulate keratinocyte proliferation and migration, and induce collagen synthesis. Microarray analysis of Heptapeptide-7-treated dermal keratinocytes revealed an up-regulation of cell division, growth factor and extracellular matrix genes.

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