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Kiss My Face ~ New Lip Balm Flavor

October 1, 2010 Comments

DALLAS—Kiss My Face introduced Coconut Pineapple to their line of flavored lip balms. In addition to the six flavors already available, Kiss My Face added Coconut Pineapple to their line of 72 percent organic, SPF 15 lip balms. The lip balms contain organic beeswax with antioxidant properties, organic canola oil to soften skin and aloe vera to heal and soothe dry lips. Kiss My Face Organic Lip Balms contain no artificial colors, unnecessary ingredients and do not test on animals.

The Kiss My Lips Organic Lip Balm collection includes the following flavors: Coconut Pineapple, Vanilla Honey, Ginger Mango, Cranberry Orange, Sliced Peach and Strawberry.

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