Vermont Soapworks ~ Organic Baby Shampoo

2 days ago Comments

MIDDLEBURY, Vt.–Vermont Soapworks introduced Organic Baby Wash Shampoo, which serves as a dual-use product for baby's skin and fine hair. It does not contain any chemicals or additives. Offered in an 8-oz. bottle with a convenient top pump and an economical one-gallon container, Vermont Soap Organics Baby Wash Shampoo is a fragrance-free liquid soap.

The ingredients include saponified organic oils of coconut, olive and jojoba, a glycerin and vegetable gum extract, organic aloe vera, rosemary extract, and natural essential oils. The gum and glycerin extract adds extra emollients and silkiness. Vermont Soap does not formulate with synthetic ingredients such as sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), isopropyl alcohol, ropylene glycol and triclosan.


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