Film Follow-Up: Story of Cosmetics

4 days ago Comments

July 21, 2010 was a busy day in the world of cosmetics. Reps. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisc.) introduced the Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010, giving FDA the authority to regulate ingredients used in personal care products and makeup; and Stacy Malkan and Annie Leonard released their film, “The Story of Cosmetics", an in-depth look at the cosmetics industry and their perpetual use of toxic chemicals that lead to health issues. Here at Inside Cosmeceuticals we received some feedback on the 20-minute film. Some positive, some with objection to its accuracy, truth and validity. And, naturally, some of the mega cosmetic companies have shared their view on the recent proposed bill, and taken action by hiring lobbyists to fight off regulation revisions.

Malkan and Leonard issued a follow-up on their cosmetic flick, discussing their reasons for making the film, and possibly defusing some of the negative reactions to their film? Maybe … we’ll see. The three main reasons they gave for creating “The Story of Cosmetics" are: cancer prevention, getting carcinogens out of baby shampoo is common sense, and we believe in a better way.

The Huffington Post published the details on each of these points. Take a look. Check out their backing and reasoning for the film. Decide for yourself if you’re for or against it, and the proposed personal care reform bill.

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