Lipowheat Oil™ Approved as NDI

April 6, 2010 Comments

PARIS and MORRISTOWN, N.J.—Hitex, a subsidiary of Lavipharm Group, and P.L. Thomas announced Lipowheat oil™ natural ceramides achieved FDA-approved NDI (New Dietary Ingredient) status, with no objections from FDA.

Athanase Lavidas, Ph.D., chairman and CEO of Lavipharm, said: "The NDI is a significant milestone in Hitex history. It represents recognition of our efforts to research and develop ingredients and products that optimize effectiveness and safety for human use. Since 2000, Lavipharm has invested in supercritical fluids and green technologies and development design acting proactively to the imperative need for environmentally friendly and natural food supplements and dermocosmetic products.”

François Laimay, Hitex R&D director, added: “The Lipowheat R&D strategy integrated regulation aspects at the early stages of development. This NDI gives us a clear and obvious confirmation of this development design."

Patented and scientifically supported by three clinical studies, oral delivery of Lipowheat ceramides restores the skin barrier function, ensuring a healthy hydration mechanism. It fights against signs of aging and leaves skin soft and supple.

P.L. Thomas is the exclusive marketer for Lipowheat in North America. "The nutricosmetic category, to which Lipowheat belongs, is gaining acceptance by customers as a convenient skincare product taken orally,” stated Vladimir Badmaev, M.D., Ph.D., director of medical & scientific affairs, P.L. Thomas. “In addition, the preclinical research of Lipowheat indicates it’s a versatile topical cosmetic which regenerates and hydrates the skin.”



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