Evonik Promoting Sustainable Palm Oil

2 weeks ago Comments

ESSEN, Germany—More than 28 million tones of palm oil are produced worldwide and comprise a major oleochemical source all over the world for various applications. Derivatives of palm oil are one of the major raw materials used for the production of Evonik’s products and need to be cultivated and used in a sustainable manner based on economic, social and environmental viability.

As the supply chains of oleochemical ingredients are highly complex and palm oil and its derivatives are mixed up in many steps during the conversion and refinery, complete traceability is often missing. Therefore, all efforts are taken to evaluate the palm content in our products. This process needs to be followed within the whole supply chain.

The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) is a multi-stakeholder initiative with the principal objective to promote the growth and use of sustainable palm oil through cooperation within the palm growers and the following supply chain. Fortunately, the process to evaluate and certify palm, palm kernel oil and it´s derivatives is taking progress at the RSPO. The number of certified supply chain members and sustainable palm volumes are continuously increasing witch enhances traceability.

Therefore, Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH became a member of the RSPO and will follow and support the RSPO plan and initiatives. Continuous evaluation and selection of Evonik’s suppliers will take place to ensure our progress for segregated palm until 2015.





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