Hyalogic ~ Episilk Skin Lotion

April 27, 2010 Comments

SHAWNEE, Kan.—Hyalogic, the makers of Synthovial Seven, introduced Episilk skin lotion. It helps control skin oiliness and minimizes pores, using the patented mattifying properties of Regu®-Seb. Hyaluronic acid and green tea extract have been added to soothe and moisturize skin. Episilk is all-natural, paraben-free, spa-tested and fragrance-free, and delivers oil-free hydration and calming effects to improve skin texture and clarity without clogging pores or irritating the skin.

The packaging for the Episilk premium skin care line received a facelift. Each box is made with 100 percent recyclable SBS board, and soy-based inks. In attempt to eliminate the toxic glues needed to assemble these boxes, as well as the product information inserts, each box is made with a folded design. This allowed the product information to be printed on the interior of the package, saving the need for additional materials. The tubes, bottles and containers used are made from recyclable plastic materials. This enables the consumer to recycle the container at his/her local recycling plant upon finishing use of the product.



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