A Recipe for Skin

May 21, 2010 Comments

There are many ways to protect your skin. You can apply a moisturizer with SPF; a sunscreen beneath your makeup; an anti-aging serum or antioxidant cream; or wear a hat to cover your face while exposed to the sun … the list goes on and on. But what if the universal joy of eating was your springboard to good skin? What if breakfast, lunch and dinner were like your cleanser, toner and moisturizer?

I’m sure you’re familiar with the “beauty from within” concept. It’s become a quite the anti-aging slogan tied to ingestible products that tout youth in a bottle (or box). But in its most basic form, beauty from within (i.e., nutricosmetics) is available in the produce aisle. Stylelist.com reported on five-a-day fruits and vegetables that can deliver smooth skin, antioxidants, and boost collagen and elastin.

Carrots offer protective effects, avocados can moisturize, tomatoes serve as an antioxidant, asparagus breakdown waste products, artichokes hydrate and purify, beetroot helps the skin detox, and mushrooms are anti-irritants. What’s more is this is only a fraction of their benefits. These fruits and vegetables are multi-purposeful, working for the body inside and out, and their health benefits are endless. Personal care companies are already capitalizing on this colorful spread of fruits and vegetables that are chockfull of free-radical fighting carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-carotene by incorporating them into face washes, moisturizers and more.



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