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Studies Show Peptan™’s Anti-Aging, Moisturizing Effects


COURBEVOIE, France—Many products with beauty claims already exist, but consumers are not always confident about the validity of manufacturers’ allegations and expect valid scientific studies as proof of the claims. In the same way, hydrolyzed collagens in general have long been thought to be beneficial for skin health. Over the last few years, Rousselot developed unique qualities and grades of hydrolyzed collagens that are sold and consumed throughout the world under the Peptan™ brand.

To assess the efficacy and acceptability of Peptan, Rousselot commissioned two double blind, randomized clinical studies versus placebo in France and in Japan. The objective was to definitively provide nutricosmetic manufacturers, as well as end consumers with reliable and accurate measurements of the benefits of Peptan Hydrolyzed Collagen for skin.

In France, 47 European women, aged 35 to 55, were selected by DERMSCAN, to participate in a study over a 12-week period in winter. At the same time in Japan, 33 Asian women, aged 40 to 59, were select by SOUKEN, for a period of eight weeks.

In both studies, women ingested 10 g of Peptan Hydrolyzed Collagen every day, and their skin conditions were assessed by dermophysiological measures and self-assessment questionnaire.

The first evaluation of Peptan was for its moisturizing effect. Measurements demonstrated a 28-percent improvement in the skin hydration level in the Peptan group compared with the placebo group. A total of 91 percent of Peptan volunteers’ skin hydration level increased after an eight-week test.

The second evaluation of Peptan was for its anti-aging effect. The number of micro-relief furrows decreased by 26 percent compared with the placebo group. The number of deep wrinkles increased by 30 percent with the placebo group, while remaining stable within the Peptan Group after a 12-week test.

Researchers conclude that when taken daily for up to 12 weeks, Peptan Hydrolyzed Collagen improves the basic condition and structure of skin: Peptan has been clinically shown to improve skin moisture level, skin suppleness and skin smoothness by reducing the number of micro-relief furrows and prevent the formation of deep wrinkles.

With the population tending to be increasingly conscious of the importance of good skin health, Peptan Hydrolyzed Collagen is indisputably a highly potent ingredient for the nutricosmetic market.

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